The Rodriguez Family | Kansas City Lifestyle Photographer

When it comes to blog posts about my family, finding words to describe our photo shoots is so difficult. It's like trying to describe why the earth is round or why blue is my favorite color. Everything about it seems too obvious or intricate to explain, and when I force myself to try I'm left with a bunch of cheesy, sappy, forced words that seem far too inadequate. 

So here goes my simple attempt...

Mel, Jose, Leo, and Elena, I love you so so much. Thanks for making time for me to come over, for letting me smother your children, and (almost) letting me convince you to move to Kansas. You should come visit soon. :)

Happy Wednesday! 

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Josh and Hannah | Anniversary

When I photograph good friends, I always get really nervous beforehand. It's almost as if I place EXTRA pressure on myself to make sure to capture who they really are. Because sometimes the closer you are to the people you photograph, the harder you have to work at documenting what makes them... them.


I really needn't have worried. 

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Having known Josh and Hannah for about 3 years now... I really should have expected the energy, laughter, and overwhelming adoration that I would witness. 


I guess I just forgot how much they really love each other. (And boy, I love this photo. So. Much.)

A lot has happened for these two in the past five years... 

A new city, a new church, a new house, a new job and a new life. (No, she's not pregnant!)

And yet through it all, they laugh together. 


Because at the end of the day, they still have each other. 

And that's really all that matters. :)

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Hannah and I were sending dress ideas back and forth for WEEKS leading up to their shoot, but she just couldn't make up her mind! In the end, Josh's amazing sister made a dress and finished it THE DAY of our photo shoot. Talk about a last minute decision, Hannah! :)


Josh, if I didn't include this photo... this ENTIRE blog post would be a failure. You're welcome. And you're also a major dork... ;)


The mosquitoes and tics were out in rare form that evening... by the end we were all COVERED in bug bites! 

But, I have to admit... these next few photos were worth IT ALL. 


Something about this photo explains everything to me. :) The way he holds her hands and gently leads her forward.... and the way she follows with the sweet-Hannah-smile we've all come to know and love. So beautiful. 


At the end I made them dance. Because Josh would do anything for his wife. Because his favorite song is Party In The USA. Because they both have killer dance moves. Because the look on Hannah's face was priceless. Because ALL THE THINGS. 


Josh and Hannah, thank you. Thank you for braving the bugs to spend your anniversary in front of my lens. Thanks for opening up your lives and allowing me to be your friend. And thank you for being so wonderful. :)