Alex & Nicola | Kansas City Lifestyle Photographer

I'm a lifestyle photographer. Real moments and real emotions are meant to be discovered - not forced. One of my favorite types of shoots to photograph is an anniversary shoot: celebrating a few (or many) years of marriage by capturing how much deeper a couple's love has become. 

I've known Alex and Nicola for just a few short years - Sunil and I met them when we moved down here to Kansas City. Sunil and Alex have been inseparable since being introduced, and Nicola and I are the introverts that keep our husbands from being too obsessed with people. :)

This couple. It's safe to say they've had their rough moments... relationships are never an easy adventure. But the fierce devotion they have for each other is SO evident through the way they communicate and interact. Their idea for our photo shoot together was to simply capture how much their love as grown and deepened over the last two and a half years... and I was SO thrilled to be the one to document it. :) 

If you didn't know that hipsters could be nerds... you've never met Alex and Nic. They are two of the BIGGEST hipster-nerds I've ever seen. :)

Sitting on their porch, enjoying some wine and cheese - THAT is exactly how Alex and Nicola love to relax. I was so glad they were adventurous with their props! 

These two are both amazing musicians, and do an amazing job leading worship at our church. :)

Alex and Nic bought a Cane Corso Mastiff named Nala almost two years ago - and she's become such a sweet part of their life! 

LOVE this one!! 

The soft blurriness of this photo combined with the sweet moment makes me smile a lot... :)

He is SO sweet with her! 

Alex and Nic, you are two of my favorite people in the WORLD. Thanks for welcoming me into your community here in Kansas and for showing Sunil and I what it's like to have such amazing friends. We love you guys SO much!!