Jenna + Josh + Madeleine

When you meet a 6 year old for the first time…

You should definitely ask if she’s ticklish.

And if she’s ticklish, then maybe she really likes to laugh a lot.

And if she likes to laugh a lot, then maybe you’ll make everyone tell her jokes JUST to get her to giggle a little bit more.

And if she giggles…. she might make other people giggle too.

And if everyone is giggling, then you might need to take a hug break.

And if you take hug breaks… that probably means you have the cutest family ever.

Jenna and Josh - you really do have the cutest family ever!! It was such a joy to meet your little ray of sunshine and be invited into your home for photos. Thanks for trusting me with your memories and I hope you enjoy them for years to come! :)