Mary Jean - The First Six Months

Well. It happened. I fully dived into the deep waters of motherhood.

Mary Jean joined us on December 31st and we've been falling in love with her ever since. She's full of squishiness, laughter, ease, and sweetness... and we've decided that we'll probably keep her forever. (Is that a thing?)

As a photographer, it has come as a surprise to me how little I actually photograph Mary. While I definitely want to do mini photo-shoots with her every single day, I'm also longing to slow down and just enjoy watching her grow up in front of me. It's been such an interesting journey, and I'm definitely still learning how to balance being present with the constant desire to capture memories. 

So while there might not be thousands... there are a few photos I couldn't resist sharing. :) 

Sweet little newborn cries.... She hated baths so much right away! 

When she started smiling, Sunil's little heart basically exploded. 

Pixel and Mary have become great friends, and Mary is delighted whenever her little furry friend comes her way. 

Apparently, this is her excited face. 

Once Mary could sit up (kind of), we got a little pool for her to splash in. BEST. PURCHASE. EVER. 

I think daddy likes it more than she does! 

Her tiny little pony tail is the CUTEST little thing. 

Aww... best buds!! :) 

A few facts about our first 6 months as parents: 

- Yes, she's probably the cutest baby we've ever seen. Thank you for noticing. ;) BUT in reality, of COURSE we're smitten because DUH - she's our kid! 

- All. The. Hair. She still has all of it. And not a single strand fell out. It's super curly when wet and wavy when dry and never stays in one place and doesn't hold headbands very well. But it's epic and amazing and we think it's the best thing ever. 

- Much like her father (#extrovert), Mary loves all the people (and dogs) in the world. Even at seven months (when stranger danger should've already kicked in!) she still loves pretty much any face that will get down on her level and smile at her. (I haven't decided how I feel about this yet. #introvert)

- Like most babies, MJ cycles between sleeping really well and not sleeping really well! I found this amazing app that tells me when she's going through a developmental change (or "leap") and it usually coincides perfectly with when she happens to not be sleeping well. It's been super handy to see what's coming and to watch her go through changes! She's been getting up about once a night for a few months now, and compared to what some moms have to deal with, I will count myself lucky. 

- She's just starting to army crawl and taste real food! While she still loooooooves to nurse (mama loves it too!) it's been hilarious to watch her try fruits and veggies for the first time. Yay for funny baby faces! She's also incredibly proud of herself for her newfound mobility. Chasing and crawling on Pixel are her new favorite pastimes and our poor little Beagle puppy waffles between being mildly annoyed and vaguely interested. 

- Even with the sleepless nights and poopy diapers, Sunil and I have decided that being parents is pretty awesome and that we definitely want more kids. Not right away, but for sure someday. Becuase hey... we made it this far! So... yay? :) 

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