The Rodriguez Family 2015 | Family Lifestyle Photographer

BUSY. That's what Mel and Jose are. 


Their two beautiful kiddos are full of energy and drive and HOLY COW it's pretty clear that they sleep well at night... :)

This little man is generous, kind, and excited to explore everything around him. 

This princess is a cuddler, a charmer, and perfectly content to sit in your lap for hours at a time! 

So sweet!! 

The view from this hill was glorious! 

Adventures with daddy!

Mama got a few short-lived snuggles with her sweet son and then he was gone in a flash! 

But these two didn't mind being left alone... :)

YAY MEL AND JOSE!! Another cold photo shoot where we survived and got beautiful photos of your kids!! Thanks for making your schedule work for this adventure! :)